The basic configuration of Etalon contens the franeEtalon 08 R(size SM or ML) and a complet chain transmission with  a Rohloff speedhub. We recommend the Rohloff speedhub imlicated in a DT rim.

For to get a good price ratio we next recommend a Magura equipment. If brakes HS 33 Firm-tech has to be used is a Magura fork the necessity.

ETALON – the first and the only full suspension mountain bike of cross country class in details accommodates to internal gear Rohloff Speedhub 500/14, compatible with  the Magura FIRM-tech brakes, with meaningful design, unusual solidity of frame, high exploitation of energy, unique running characteristics and uncommon working life and reliability.
 Details in parts “REPORT ABOUT ETALON “and “COMPARE your bike WITH ETALON.